
tear drop icon

Choose the perfect pricing plan

We don't charge by the hour...we stay until the job is done while respecting your time.

Addon Services Priced Separately

  • $30.00 - Headlight Restoration
  • $25.00 - Cabin Filter Change
  • $25.00 - Engine CLean

Common Questions and Acknowlegement

How long does a detail take?

3 to 5 hours depending on the vehicle size, the service you want and the level of detailing your vehicle needs. Although unlikely, please allow an hour for arrival of your appointment time for weather or traffic delays that may occur. Please be advised that we may need to alter an appointment in accordance with weather conditions.

Is there anything I need to do before the detailer/s arrive?

Yes, please remove all personal belongings including jewelry, money and other valuable items from your vehicle. Please provide ample space (1 car length) so we are able to perform our service. We will also need any other vehicles on the property arranged to easily depart to avoid interruptions of our set up. Please remove all child safety seats in your vehicle so we can thoroughly clean.

What if I need to reschedule?

Please provide 24 hours if you need to reschedule.

What if I have an emergency or rush for a detail?

Please call us, we understand urgent situations and want to do our best to help.

What is extracting and when is it needed?

Extraction is an affective method in pulling out dirt, stains and anything else on carpet and upholstery. It is needed for heavily soiled areas.

Do have a question we didn't cover?

Please call us, we'd be happy to answer.